Antidesma bunius “Bignay”

Commonly know as: Wild Cherry, Current Tree, Mamao Dong; aboriginal names - Buni (WA), Chunka (Qld)
  • Pot Sizes: 175 mm
  • Growth Habitat: Tree
  • Flowering Times: WIN/SPR

Antidesma bunius “Bignay” is an Australian native food plant. Bignay produces small berries that are sour and cranberry-like when immature, but tart and sweet when ripe. As well as northern Australia, Bignay is also native to India and Southeast Asia.

This tree fruits from July through September, producing grape-like clusters of 20-30 fruits, each half an inch in diameter. Flowers are small and petal-less, with male and female flowers borne on separate trees, but isolated female trees can still fruit abundantly.

Antidesma bunius “Bignay” fruit

Bignay can be grown in full sun or part shade but needs protection for frosts and drying winds. An excellent shade tree for the garden, Bignay will grow up to 8 m but can be pruned to keep it shorter and more shrubby.

See for more information on this Tucker Bush plants.