Banksia blechnifolia “Prostrate Banksia”

Commonly know as: Ground Cover Banksia
  • Pot Sizes: 150 & 200 mm
  • Growth Habitat: Ground cover
  • Flowering Times: SPR

Banksia blechnifolia is a showy prostrate shrub from Western Australia. It is slow growing but very hardy with no known pest or disease susceptibilities. It is an attractive plant with bluish-green leaves that can be up to 45 cm long. New growth is a rusty red colour. It may take 4-5 years to flower; flowers are also reddish becoming cream towards the base. It can grow up to 4 m across.

Banksia blechnifolia

It prefers to grow in full sun with well-drained soils; it relatively drought tolerant though additional watering will promote growth during hot, dry seasons. Fertilize with a low phosphorous fertiliser in early spring.